Episode 04 - DIY in Schools!

The idea of "do it yourself" is a crucial part of the punk rock scene. Punks put on their own shows, recorded their own albums, made their own merch, and flat out built a scene that they owned. That DIY ownership can be brought into our classrooms and our schools!

Allowing students to own and direct their learning creates buy-in and that means engagement and learning. Leaders can help their staff own the programs and ideas they implement in their buildings as well. This isn't even to mention all the stuff we have to create as teachers because the funding isn't there.

So get ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work bringing DIY to your students, your classroom, and your school.


Intro music - "Bed for the Scraping" by Fugazi
Outro music - "Time to Lose" by The Peabodies (from that tape Josh and his friends made back in 1997/1998 - you can find it at thepeabodies.bandcamp.com/album/time-to-lose if you dare)

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Episode 05 - Classrooms Like a Punk Show!


Episode 03 - Passion in Schools and in the Classroom!