S5 Reflection 03 - Mike: Give Grace to Others Tough Choices
Mike had some snow days and it got him thinking about the decisions leaders have to make and how everyone is human. There are lots of factors and context that we might not always see from the outside.

S5 E02 - Eval Seaon
Josh and Mike discuss teacher evaluations, how they work with educators during the process, and how they make it through…eval season!

S5 Albums of the Year 2023
Mike and Josh share their top five EPs and LPs from 2023! So it’s either for you or it’s not but either way maybe give it a listen and check out the bands we share and discuss.

S5 Reflection 02 - Josh on Joining a Culture
For Josh’s first reflection of the year, he is talking about how he is navigating becoming a part of the culture already established on his new campus. He talks about four things he is doing to ingrain himself in the culture and add his personality and ideas to it.

S5 Episode 01 - It’s Been a Quarter
After a long summer and first quarter away from the podcast, the punks are back with their first episode of the school year.

S5 Reflection 01 - Mike Season Five Intro
Where have we been? What’s been going on? Are we back? Is this thing on? Mike kicks off Season 5 of the podcast with a little introduction!

S4 Episode 14 - Sometime You Need to Take a Break
After a little hiatus, the punks are back with a new episode. The boys talk a little about burnout, the busy end of the school year, and why sometimes you need to take a break.

S4 Reflection 13 Josh - Passion Unity and DIY as a New Principal
Josh is prepping to join the Highland Arts Hurricanes as the new principal for the 23-24 school year. On this episode he shares how those punk rock ideas of PASSION, UNITY, & DIY are guiding his preparation and the connections he is building for the next school year.

S4 Reflection 12 Mike - Change Your Route
Sometimes you need to switch it up to get a fresh perspective, fresh take, or even a fresh path to tread. Mike shares on this episode about switching it up in order to help yourself get better.

S4 Episode 13 - Josh is Going to Be a Principal
On this episode, Josh and Mike discuss Josh’s new job for the 2023-2024 school year! Josh was just named the new principal of Highland Arts Elementary in Mesa, AZ!

S4 Reflection Mike - Muscling Through
Sometimes we know a day is going to suck even before it starts but when the end result is important, we get it done. On this episode Mike shares about muscling through to get it done.

S4 Episode 12 - Hitting Reset
Sometimes we need to wipe the slate clean and hit reset and find a way to start over on the right foot. How the punks going to hit reset and kick off the next week on the right foot and the 4th quarter of the school year?

S4 Reflection 10 Josh - First Year AP - You Can’t Do it All
On this episode Josh shares about taking his own punk rock classrooms advice and knowing that you can’t do it all.

S4 Episode 11 - New to the Scene
On this episode, the punks discuss what its like to be the new person in the scene, and what we did when we were new to be a part of it, what we do to welcome people in.

S4 Throwback - Episode 32 Transitions and Interviews
It’s interview season and on this episode Josh asks Mike about making that change from classroom teacher to building leader. They also discuss interviews, what Mike looks for as a building leader when he interviews candidates.

S4 Reflection 09 - Mike: Make Filling Your Bucket a Non-Negotiable
On this episode Mike discusses how he is working on filling his bucket and not only helping himself but also helping others. Building routines, habits, and making sure taking care of himself is a priority.

S4 Episode 10 - Conversation Mixtape
Topics for this episode include, getting through a tough week, Mike’s principal of the year award, and Josh applying to be an elementary principal!

S4 Reflection 08 Josh - First Year AP: Everyone Needs a Mentor
This week Josh shares about his experience with needing and meeting with his mentor this year.

S4 Episode 09 - Sharing the Scene
The punk scene or community was something special for Mike and Josh. In education every classroom and every school has a scene.

S4 Reflection 07 Mike - 2023 Mantra
On this episode Mike is taking about how #OneWord is just not enough for him this year! He is working on four words, his mantra, for 2023!