Episode 19 - Split Albums and Sharing the Stage

Bands in the punk scene would put out albums together where they would "split" the record. Each band would contribute a couple songs. Each band could count on the other to help get the record out there. Bands would often share the stage too. Mike and Josh remember $5 punk shows with 15 bands on the bill. Bands would share the stage and let the crowd hear so many different sounds all at one show. You could hear a ska band, a metal band, a grungy folk band, a dirt punk band, and a hardcore band all at one show. You were exposed to so many different types of music and it was awesome.

As educators we do not have to be the sole provider of information and knowledge in our classrooms. We can put out that "split album" with a teacher in another content area by creating that cross curricular lesson or inviting them in to help teach a skill that maybe we aren't a master in. We can also share the stage by bringing in community members, and other experts (even virtually) to help our students learn from a variety of people and resources. We can connect our students to real world applications for what they are learning easier than ever before.

So get ready to share the stage!


Intro music - "Rooftops" by Alkaline Trio (originally by Hot Water Music)
Outro music - "Radio" by Hot Water Music (originally by Alkaline Trio)

Check out our PRC Playlist here for all of the rad tunes we use:

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Punk Rock Collaboration 04 with Patrick Bass


Episode 11 - Schools Like a Punk Show