S3 Reflection 14 - Josh: We need to do something different this time.

This is Josh. I am tired of kids being shot and killed in school. I’m tired of us as a nation being unable to do anything different about it. I am tired of people in power being unwilling to lead on this issue. This is like six minutes of venting. It probably has nothing new in it. You’ve probably said these same things yourself and at this point a ton of other people have said the same thing. But I didn’t want to talk about Professional Learning, classrooms management, or anything else to do with education this week. I don’t want to talk about punk or music. I want something to change.

 If you don’t want to listen to this episode, don’t. I don’t blame you. But if you are tired of seeing students being murdered then join me in doing something different. Make this the political issue you will vote on. Make this the thing you will knock on doors for a candidate for. Make this the thing that you will donate money to. Make keeping our kids safe and passing gun legislation that will protect our communities the thing you are willing to stand up for.


S3 Collaboration 08 with Sarah Thomas


S3 Episode 16 - End of the Year Reflection