Punk Rock Throwback - Episode 05 Classrooms Like a Punk Show!

Josh and Mike are taking a little holiday break so here is one of their favorite episodes!

PRTB 05 Promo

The idea of treating your classroom and school like a punk show might sound a little wild but there was something magical about those halls and basements where Mike and Josh spent their punk rock youth. Whether it was connecting with the bands before the show, the fact that shows could take place almost anywhere, the excitement and crowd participation during the show, or exploring the merch table after, each show was an event that left its mark.

Join Mike and Josh as they explore how each of those pieces of a punk show can connect to what we do each day as educators. So, are you ready for the show? Join our crew at The Punk Rock Classrooms Podcast.


Intro music - "Punk Rawk Show" by MxPx
Outro music - "I Just Wanna Start a Circle Pit" by Against All Authority

Check out our PRC Playlist here for all of the rad tunes we use:


Bonus Episode - Top Albums of 2020!


Punk Rock Reflection 18 - Mike and Josh Reflect on 2020