Mantra 2023

For the past few years, I have followed the “One Word” approach to serve as my compass throughout the next calendar year. If you’re not familiar with “One Word,” in a nutshell, an individual chooses one word that will be the focus of their year. Many pick words like “Confidence,” “Courage,” and “Dedication,” which are all amazing choices! After a word is chosen, said individual will sometimes write a blog or podcast episode explaining why and how this is their word to guide them in all aspects of life throughout the next 365 days. Here are some of my previous words and their blogs to accompany them. 

2019 - Believe

2020 - Water

2021 - Prism

As 2021 was nearing its demise, there wasn’t a word that grabbed me in a bear hug as these three had. I entered 2022, continually contemplating words until I came to the decision to just focus on the goals I had made for myself. As 2022 was beginning to near the end of its run, I began scouring my world for a “One Word” to guide me through 2023. Again, I found myself at a loss, alone, without a word. But then, four grabbed me and pinned me against the cold, rough brick wall.

I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when I came across a post, I can’t even remember whose it was, that looked like a word search. Titled, at the top, was MANTRA 2023. The directions were in the post’s descriptions, “The First Four Words You See Will Be Your Mantra for 2023.” So it WAS a word search! I have always loved word searches, ever since elementary school when guest teachers stepped in for the day and passed them out to keep our minds exercising after we dashed through the work left by our actual instructor of knowledge. I always had a system back in the day when it came to word searches, skimming each line for the first letter of the word I was currently hunting for. This one that I found on Instagram was different. There was no list of what was included in the symmetrical mash of letters. 

I began staring at the lit screen held snuggly in my right palm. Eyes furiously racing each track until the first word appeared, then the second, third, and fourth! These four words were more perfect than I could have ever imagined. 





Instantly, I knew these were exactly the words I had been searching for since the end of 2021. The beauty of these words is that they are exactly connected to the many goals I had already set for myself. Daily goals that I need to keep my grounded and grinding towards the bigger goals that I have created that scare the shit out of me! 

Instead of sharing why each of these words are the perfect companion to myself and my goals for 2023 in this blog, I will give each one its own spotlight in their own! I’m excited to share my roadmap with for to become the best version of myself in 2023! Stay tuned…


Please check out my latest book, The EduCulture Cookbook: Recipes & Dishes to Positively Impact Classroom & School Culture with EduMatch Books.


Lessons from the pit!


On the Contrary