What’s next?
A couple of episodes ago, Mike and I chatted about transitions and interviews. Well, it just so happens that I went through some interviews and am about to make a transition in my education career.

Save the notes. You’ll need them later.
Recently I got a letter from a former student. Getting that letter reminded me of my collection. My letters and notes from students. I have a stack of them in the desk drawer in my classroom.

Live Your Convictions and Beliefs…
What we say matters but what we do matters more. Josh writes about how our convictions and actions need to match if we want to be credible in our roles.

Pandemic Evaluation Blues
Welp, I had my evaluation this week…Normally, I’m not the person that gets worried about or is all that concerned with my evaluation and the process. I’m the teacher who says “come in whenever” and “it doesn’t matter what period.”

Our Words Build the Scene
What we say in our classrooms, how we talk to our kids, and what words we use really determine what kind of scene we are creating.

Josh’s #OneWord2021
My #OneWord2020 was “forward” and I’m keeping that with me in my pocket as we start 2021. But I’m picking something for this year that might seem quite the opposite to forward if I want to hang on to that word.

Don’t lose your marbles…
On my run this morning, the one place I really get to clear my head and get away from my stress, I remembered a little gift a student gave me that has stuck with me ever since.

Sometimes you need the lyrics sheet.
When students are remote and they have google, Alexa, Siri, or any number of resources at their disposal the old way of testing really goes out the window.

How we view discipline.
Why was I expecting to see something different or do something different in my internship? What compelled me to view the discipline I needed to observe as an in the principals office with the behavior matrix out type of situation? So I’m asking myself how do I view discipline? How do I view behavior? In a greater regard how doe the royal “we” of education view both of those things?

Bedtime Stories
What do monsters under the bed in the Earnshaw house have to do with checking on all students in our the classrooms? You’ll have to read the blog…