Episode 27 - One Word 2021
Full Lengths Joshua Buckley Full Lengths Joshua Buckley

Episode 27 - One Word 2021

Even punks gotta commit to something. So this year Josh and Mike are participating in #OneWord2021! On this episode they reflect back on their words from last year and share what word is going to carry each of them through 2021.

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Episode 20 - Between the Shows
Full Lengths Joshua Buckley Full Lengths Joshua Buckley

Episode 20 - Between the Shows

Between shows bands had to get to work. Being on stage wasn't the only part of being in a punk rock band. Getting the flyers together, recording, and getting your set list just right were all part of the process. The same is true for educators.

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Episode 07 - UNITY!
Full Lengths Joshua Buckley Full Lengths Joshua Buckley

Episode 07 - UNITY!

The punk rock scene was a place where anyone could belong. It was a place where people came together and built their scene, their community, and their music. Our classrooms should be a place for ALL students.

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Episode 18 - Passing the Mic and Gang Vocals
Full Lengths Joshua Buckley Full Lengths Joshua Buckley

Episode 18 - Passing the Mic and Gang Vocals

There is a tradition in the punk and hardcore scene of passing the mic and of the sing along power of gang vocals. Bands would point the mic out to the crowd and let them sing the songs and let them lead the show. So what does that look like in our classrooms and in education?

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